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About ENG | USA // EST| Nov 10 | He/Him

my name is pronounced "Forte"

Follow Me

Stream Rules

  1. Respect others.
  2. No RP
  3. No Soliciting without permission
  4. Private commissions will not be streamed
  5. If you DM me on Discord while stream is Online, I may not know without notice in the chat.
  6. Inform your streamers of Audio/Video/connection issues.

Commission Information OPEN

Spotify Jam Rules

  1. You must have a Spotify account to join.
  2. when you enter, select "Join through 4te's speaker"
  3. Only add songs to the queue. You can do this by right clicking on the song or pressing the three dots icon found next to your desired song. A dropdown menu will appear, then select "add to queue".
  4. Do not Spam the queue or add an entire playlist. Give time between selections for others to add their songs. I will clear a queue or delete songs when abused.
  5. Click Here To Join

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