Fokscy.Carrd.Co (aka TruffleFoxStudio)

Select WebRTC in the stream settings to get a better quality stream with way less latency!

18+ Only. Fox | Older Than Dirt | Artist w/ Aphantasia | Hag/She | Taken | Some content is NSFW! | No requests | Check out my carrd for more!

I draw hoomans but only as cheebs.

All sketches/line work are done in Clip. All coloring in SAI2. All edits and finishes in Photoshop CC.

I currently work on a 24 Pro Wacom.

Discord handle: Fokscy#1337 Discord Art Server:

Commissions are closed atm but VIP support (my version of Patreon with rewards, ychs, raffles, etc. run entirely on my Discord server) opens on the 1st of every month!

Ask for a Discord Server invite!

Chat Info:

Searching "boozy" will pull up various cocktail emotes.

Searching "drink" will pull up various beverages.

Searching "snack" will pull up some random food items.

Searching "vip" will pull up custom emotes for VIP members.


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