Special Stream on Wednesdays:

When stream starts, participants are called to type "1" in-stream. Those who enter have their names placed on a roulette wheel.

The wheel is spun a number of times equal to the slots available at the start of the stream to determine who gets a slot

Slot winners are allowed to collaborate with someone on a piece, but no one person can collaborate with more than one slot winner per stream, and slot-winners cannot collaborate with other slot-winners without one of them giving up their slot to be re-spun.

Whether you win a slot or collaborate with a slot winner, you are placed on a 'cooldown' for 2 weeks, meaning you are not eligible to win a Wednesday slot, nor collaborate with a Wednesday slot-holder for the subsequent two Wednesdays.

Two characters maximum. Backgrounds kept to a minimum (from blank space to simple furniture)

Hump Day Prices

One Character Two Character

Sketch: $25 $35 Flat Color: $40 $60


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