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Level 13.2   The journal
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August 31, 2019 at 6:55 AM 5,016 views

Level 13.2 The journal

Gfycat . MP4 . MEGA

Groggily waking after a night of deep "studying" the bottom of a bottle, our heroine slowly rises to life, trying to remember the night before. At least it’s just her in the bed this morning. When the hangover was proving itself an impregnable wall to her memory, she decides to get up and dress herself one piece at a time with what’s thrown around on the floor.

Searching high and low, she fails to find her underwear. Without that one crucial bit of cloth her privates would be unrestrained, allowing everyone to see her secret in its full glory should a strong gust of wind happen by or if she were to get aroused during the day.

(And with all the weird events that happen here on a daily basis, it's better to have some insurance compared to everybody finding out).

She turned her room upside down in search for the blasted undergarment, culminating in the adventurer pulling back on a large heavy wooden bookshelf and peering behind it to see if SOMEHOW her clothing got behind there. Instead, she finds what looks like a small book.

Her curiosity piqued, she used her small (and blunt) iron dagger to try and reach for this mystery book, managing to shift it enough to grab it with the top of her clawed fingers. Excited at what the pages of this lost book could hold, she abands her quest for underwear. She sits down at her desk, flinching slightly when her scaled balls made contact with the chilly wooden chair.

Flipping past the first few pages, it becomes clear that the hidden tome was a journal of some kind, detailing the adventurers of someone named "Jennifier". It would seem they forgot about it when she checked out of the room.

This girl certainly seems to have gotten around, hailing from Cyrodiil and travelling all the way from some place called “Skingrad” to Bruma, constantly detailing various detours to experience the world and practice and improve her skills in destruction magic. Naturally, the Argonian had no idea what some of these places were, but the descriptions were vivid enough.

"Today I had flung a firebolt towards a mudcrab that burnt so fiercely, I could suddenly enjoy some nice, freshly cooked crab legs right after!"

“Saw a Troll today, hit him with every fire spell in the book. Nasty, but his fat sold well enough to pay for dinner.”

“Got into a scuffle with some Altmer. He was a bit too slow on the draw and got a bolt to the face for his trouble. It made his lady companion swoon, I just know it!~”

The tales of this supposedly unknown adventurer were quite a fascinating read. The Argonian found herself scouring past the pages even faster, discovering several tips and tricks on how she can improve her future endeavors (if those endeavors involve chucking various flavors of fire at things). This Jennifier girl had written down everything! Even written some of the more... risque parts of her travels.

Like when she was crossing the border into Skyrim via cart; off in the distance she spotted a futa giantess wandering around, her erection swinging side to side, weighed down with what looked like a breton female on the end of the monsterously sized cock.

Her belly was bloated beyond anything a normal human could achieve. She hung there, as if she passed out during intercourse, with the giantess acting completely oblivious to the fact that her cum filled partner was still impaled on the tip of it's meaty mammoth. The last thing she saw as the pair drifted past her line of sight was the giant lifting her dick up, awakening the Breton, and causing the latter to wrap her hands around her giant lover’s thumb.

The Argonian nervously gulped at the thought of a giant leaving her on it's cock like some sort of cum filled condom, but read on further in the diary anyway. Eventually, she came across Jennifier’s more personal sexual encounters: being ravaged by packs of wolves, getting plowed by an over-eager horse she bought, and succumbing to several sabre cats in heat.

All of which were graphically, colorfully detailed in what happened. Enough vivid detail that the Argonian felt herself heat up. Her dick went from flaccid to thocking the underside of her desk, particularly when it got to the sabre cat gangbang. She thought one of those monsters was too big for her, but this Jennifier managed to survive and out-fuck a pack of six!

Holding the book in one hand, she began gently rubbing herself. Each page turned using her thumb caused our heroine to begin stroking herself faster and faster.

Reading onwards, the young adventurer details her first encounter with a frost troll! She was sent out to a cave to retrieve a lost axe, only to find herself trapped with the sole exit being thoroughly blocked by the beast.

Throwing a fireball at it proved somewhat effective, causing the troll to let out a pained wail as the flames subsided. Sadly the spell also seemed VERY effective at angering the monster, causing it to charge her. She tried to flee, her mana reserves somewhat low from the trip up, only to slip on the ice deeper into the cave.

The fallen mage remembered the advice she was given by her mentor. She lifted her rear into the air, waving it back and forth at the troll to entice it. There was a pause as the growling turned to grunting, followed by a very wet sound. She glanced back, only to see the troll’s monstrous, bulky ebony rod swing between its legs. Her underwear didn’t stand a chance as it pressed into her rear, shredding the cloth with its dick.

"Then I felt the monster’s large member ram into me repeatedly, slamming into my ass cheeks before eventually finding the correct spot. I then felt it’s whole lovestick dive into me on the first thrust, my ass thoroughly trained for this kind of defense. The ensuing ravaging went on for hours; the feeling was indescribable, and the knowledge of Trollish stamina and virility will be invaluable to future guidebooks.

Even now as I write this I can't help but touch myself recalling the experience from memory, the unrelenting power behind each thrust sent shivers up my spine and completely destroyed my mind.”

It felt like time had stopped with how hard and rough the creature was, at least until I felt it speed up, somehow getting more and more aggressive as it was reaching its climax. Its big, meaty claws squished my ass cheeks tighter and tighter; personally, I lost count of how many times I came before his girthy cock erupted inside of me.

And that wasn’t even the end! When he came he just kept pumping, savagely humping my behind until I wasn't even able to recall my name. I don't know how long he had my ass locked in that death-grip, but eventually he let loose one last shout of passion and pumped more of his love batter into my already stuffed insides. I swear I felt some kind of knot pop into my poor pucker as he stood there motionless, his seemingly endless geyser of seed stretching and painting my love tunnel.

He was done, and let go of my roughed up behind, leaving some dark prints on my ass that I had to say were tattoos later. I remember the waves of cum flowing out of me once he left me there. I was in so much ecstasy that my limbs refused to move, and eventually passed out. I woke up some time later, regained my composure, found the axe I was sent to find and limped my way back to the college.

So captivated by the chapter, our Argonians self pleasure proved too much, her pumping as vigorous as what she imagined the troll did. Her eyes rolled back as she shot her load, her arm and legs feeling weak after such a lengthy "reading session". She sat there, panting with short, shallow breaths; when she regained her composure, she glanced down and spotted her panties beneath her bed.

She wasn’t really sure why she didn’t check there first, but sometimes mistakes just work out. That was the best nut she’d had in a while.

With her morning suddenly turning into afternoon, the adventurer cleans up her mess, finally gets dressed and goes on her way to finally get something to eat, leaving the journal on the table.

She sat down and enjoyed her meal in the student cafeteria. Curiously, she asked a few of the older students nearby if they knew this “Jennifier” person. Most had never heard the name, but some of them recalled she was here months back. After asking a teacher who she was, the Argonian was told that she left the college 7 months back. When asked if they knew the reason, the teacher responded with,

"Before she left she said she was traveling back to Cyrodiil, Cheydinhal if I remember correctly, saying that the region is known for having particularly brutal wildlife. She told me that it was the perfect place to practice her choice in schools: destruction. Good on her! Really, going out and learning through experience and combat is the most expeditious way to improve your mastery over magic. Or at least offensive magic; Illusionists can stay in citites to ply their trade. Still, she’s out living her life beyond these cold stone bricks. You would have liked her, she was an adventurer just like yourself before coming to us for knowledge.”

Having read nearly everything that was written in the journal, the true reason on her departure dropped on our heroine like a bag of bricks. Good thing she found her underwear!

as always, big thanks to for going over and making my first draft of the story not shit