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level 14.   Learning some more magic!
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September 11, 2019 at 12:22 AM 3,279 views

level 14. Learning some more magic!

After going back and forth with odd jobs, crazy experiments, and everything in-between, our scaled hero has gathered up enough coin to confidently purchase a few new tomes of magic spells.

With some left over, just in case.

While browsing the various books in the library and wondering which would be most useful to her, our hero couldn’t help but feel an intense, somehow unblinking gaze on her. Sure enough, she rounds a blind corner and yelps in surprise at the sudden Dark Elf woman dressed up in Expert level robes. There was a moment where the Argonian was uncertain if the elf had just timed it right or if the woman was using Invisibility.

“Hello there! I noticed you rummaging through the place, need some help deciding on which school of magic to commit yourself to? I can help you decide if you want.” The bitter undertone of “You dirty goddamn lizard” at the end was palpable in her delivery, but the Argonian was used to these interactions with Dark Elves.

She flippantly explained that she already knew some basic illusion magic, but still asked if the elf knew where some of the apprentice level spell books were.

“Illusion eh? Not a bad choice, being able to mess with the heads of bandits is always a fun time.

Plus, watching from a distance while everyone just piles onto each other always tickles the funny bone.” ‘And it’s good for a coward like you’, the Argonian’s mind auto-completed. The smug levels were rising, but this particular Dark Elf managed to reign it in and be professional in the end.

“Why not branch out? It’s always a bright idea to have multiple tools for any situation after all; even the specialists dip into other schools for utility reasons. Come over here and sit with me, if nothing else you’ll learn what to expect if you start fighting other mages.”

Surprised that the elf seems to genuinely want to help her become a better mage instead of getting under her skirt (either by hand or by dagger), our heroine gladly accepts and joins the dunmer at the closest table. The pair then start going down the list of magic schools, talking about each one in an almost sales pitch fashion:

Conjuration. “Oh no, it's not all just re-animating the dead, a lot of people think that's all conjuration can do but it can do so much more! You can summon ethereal weapons and trap souls into gems, those gems can sell for quite a high price or be used for other stuff. Uh, animal souls, preferably; Black Gems are questionably legal in some places and generally not worth the ethical hassle.

Plus, with conjuration, you can summon monsters and creatures from other worlds to aid you in battle! Even a novice can conjure something like an imp. The little she-devils might not be too useful in a fight it can certainly be useful in, uh......”

(the dark self blushes slightly while looking downwards)

“Other areas... Or at the very least a good as a distraction when something wants to rough up your rear. Just be warned that there have been stories of summoned creatures turning on inexperienced conjurers.

Mostly Fire Atronachs scorching horny idiots and their houses, but a precedent is a precedent. Be wary.”

Restoration: “Restoration is always a useful skill to have when going into an old dungeon, unknown area, or facing anything that’s undead really. There are even spells that greatly increase your stamina for extended fights, or, if you’re like me, you need to run long distances to get away from combat. Trust me, collapsing from exhaustion while something is chasing you doesn’t end well.”

The Argonian briefly disassociates as she thinks back to her tiger experience, only zoning back in while the elf was in mid-sentence. “...can save you a lot of money because you don’t need to buy so many health potions. And isn’t efficiency what every wizard is about in the end?”

Destruction: “Useful school to have under your belt, anything from scaring away beasts with fire to freezing foes in place, there are even acid spells that melt armor and weapons away in seconds! I hear there are even some spells that uhhhh.... stimulate....Certain areas, causing them to reach climax quicker and to a greater extreme. Mostly the electric ones.

A lot of students like to start here since Skyrim is such a dangerous place. It’s very much a “Hammer” kind of magic, particularly useful when your local living space is just absolutely riddled with “Nails”.”

Illusion: “You already know a bit of illusion magic, so we won’t dwell long. It’s a good choice to continue your studies in; definitely a school that requires more extensive study than most. You’ve got a few basic “party starter” spells that’ll bother the weak-minded or lesser beasts, but keep going and you’ll have the kind of tools that people only dream of.”

The Argonian quirked a brow-ridge.

“Thaaat got your attention. Let me see… Some of the more interesting things are being able to turn invisible at will, stunning even the most surly of brutes, and my personal favorite: being able to see through other people's clothing.

To make sure they're not carrying any hidden weapons or skooma, of course.”

There was a very pregnant pause as the Argonian slowly closed her legs, noting that the Dark Elf’s dark red eyes had been peering downward for a good minute now.

“Nice dick by the way. First time I’ve ever seen a sheathless lizard, doubly so for its size, and triply so on such a curvy lady. Looks kinda funky, but sadly I’m more interested in magic unlike seemingly 80% of this damn plane.”

Alteration: “A fairly underrated school. I mean sure, it doesn't have the flash or pazazz of the other schools but its versatility is unmatched. Someone’s gotta be the “reliable workhorse” school, after all; can’t just Fireball every situation away.

Like, for example, say you’re feeling hungry and only have a small apple, alteration can make it into a giant one! For like a minute.

...Yeah, even the masters of Alteration have a hard time maintaining some of these for extended periods. But, that might work for you; it’s fairly low level to learn how to change the size of uhhhh... certain body parts.” The elf looked down towards our heroines chest, then further down toward the table.

“Might make your burdens a little lighter. Or heavier, I don’t know how you like to do things. Side note, you can also make your clothing as firm as rock or even steel at later points, if you happened to like how cloth felt over, say, pelts and metal.

Tragic, really, that we have access to low-scale reality warping and all anyone does is use it to make their dicks bigger.”

Blushing, the Argonian quickly stood up and thanked the Dark Elf for her time and expertise of magic, turned on her heel, and quickly walked toward the tomes. She took a moment to calm down and gazed at the seemingly endless ocean of books, ready to make a decision on what school of magic to pursue.

Which one will she take? YOU DECIDE!

Voting ends in a week at which case the choice with the most vote wins,