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Level 14.2  a demonic encounter
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October 7, 2019 at 11:12 PM 3,836 views

Level 14.2 a demonic encounter

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The days started to blur together as the Argonian wandered the campus, looking for odd jobs (ideally of a magical nature). Unfortunately, someone had spread her history with the Companions around, leaving her with only menial, physical tasks. Things like taking something heavy up several flights of stairs to a lazy professor to going out and killing some wolves for their pelts. Dull, mind numbing work, but at least it was steady pay.

One day while going about her busy-work, the Argonian was approached by a very timid mage. After a moment spent eye-fucking the Argonian, who was carrying several pelts over her shoulder like some kind of saucy barbarian romance novel cover, she stammered out a request to go to the outskirts of town and try out this summoning scroll.

She paused. The College had banned students from summoning anything beyond a basic Daedra on school grounds, and even then only if it was for a class course. This kind of opportunity was quite risky, as our heroine couldn’t summon a wolf if she put several flanks of venison on her ass, but the potential reward was enticing. She gave the timid mage a few probing questions about what to expect, but only managed to get the very emphatic guarantee that the daedra summoned “won’t be violent! O-or super powerful. Hopefully.”. She made sure to get her pathetic knife sharpened just in case before heading to the outskirts.

Luck was on her side today, as she was only harassed by some meager wolves along the way. After looking back and only seeing the faint outlines of the dinky Winterhold village, the Argonian brushed the snow off her outfit and whipped out the conjurer’s scroll.

She took the item out and, as the mage instructed her to, tossed the rolled up piece of paper a few feet in front of her, half expecting nothing to happen.

And for a moment, her expectations were met above and beyond the meager bar set.

Absolutely nothing happened. Astounding. Amazing. An awe…ful adventure.

As she started to walk toward the scroll, thankful for the problem free gold, it started to rapidly vibrate. Our heroine stepped a few feet closer to confirm what she was seeing, and was promptly met by the scroll suddenly bursting into flame, causing the adventurer to move backwards from the sudden heat.

She shielded her eyes reflexively; the argonian couldn't believe what was happening in front of her. Spikes and a large portal started to appear from the flames, with an ominous whisper hitting her ear(hole)s. She lowered her arms to get a better look, only for the surprise wagon to keep on rolling with a few spidery legs suddenly sprouting from the burning gateway.

Her fingers were mentally crossed that this would be one of those spiders with the tiny bodies and long limbs; something her dinky knife could feasibly kill. Much to her surprise, a human head and very, very nude torso popped out after instead. Despite looking at a woman with a whole spider for an ass, the Argonian first noticed the daedra’s choice in nipple adornments. They were cute; she made a mental note to try and find something like those later if she survived this.

As quickly as it had appeared, the portal vanished, only leaving behind some corrupted spikes melting into the snow.

And this spider woman. She was still there too.

The Argonian reached reflexively for her weapon, only for the spider lady to verbally disarm her with a very sexy voice and a formal address.

"Greetings, Master, I am Lady Nurilla. As you have summoned me directly, I am here to serve." Her slightly trilling voice mesmerized the Argonian for a moment, with only her small, graceful bow snapping the lizard out of it. As she raises her head, she begins to speak more (much to our heroine’s auditory pleasure).

“It’s been some time since a denizin of Nirn has been able to conjure one of my kind. I’m impressed by your summoning prowess; you even managed to get my name correct in Daedric. I’ve had encounters with would-be suitors that couldn’t even manage that.” She said with a very demure chuckle.

Despite the woman dripping sex appeal (and possibly actual fluids if her tone was any indication), the Argonian was still on guard. Her hand gripped her sheathed dagger firmly as she asked what exactly Nurilla… Was.


Lady Nurilla slowly moved towards the cautious adventurer, circling her in an almost menacing way with her many legs. Her dainty hands remained down by her human waist/spider section, but the Argonian could feel a very slight hostility brewing by her tone.

"Surely you must know about our kind? Otherwise... how would you be able to summon us? Or rather, me specifically. Daedra don’t give out our proper native names to just anyone, you know, so I was flattered to be called by it."

The Argonian moved backwards when the daedra circled back to her front, the woman’s lips pursed. Her eyes even looked a little hurt, at least until the argonian explained what she was doing out here, her hand still clutching the dagger ready to defend herself.

"Interesting. Disappointing but interesting.” She said with a wistful sigh, one of her hands moving to pinch the bridge of her nose. “I was hoping to finally meet someone of great power; someone deserving of my skills. Although I am saddened that you’re not my powerful conjurer, it looks like you make up for it in.... other aspects."

The Argonian shivered as she felt the cold, piercing gaze of Lady Nurilla gravitate toward her prodigious chest. Despite still being covered, the Argonian still lifted her arms to cover her breasts and at least try and preserve some dignity. The resistance only made Lady Nurilla’s resolve harder; she licked her lips and moved closer, her hands low and palms facing toward the Argonian. Black sparks of Daedric magic crackled between her fingers as they spread; a spell was being prepared. The Argonian could hear faint whispers, but grit her teeth as the spider menaced toward her.

"I’m sorry darling, but considering how rarely I get to come to Nirn, I simply cannot help myself when such a gift is in front of me.

I’ll be gentle… Promise.~”

The Argonian drew her weapon with a flourish in one hand and a magical crackle of magic in the other; our heroine prepares herself with a fighting stance!

go thank for looking over and editing this story!