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Level 18......       The Azura's stone
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March 13, 2020 at 2:19 AM 13,296 views

Level 18...... The Azura's stone

<a href="!NdEwgCoa!rA_eS2BpBlGT8_oX19yIPre7lDRmdvEi4djvjc5QlKg">Mp4 </a>

During her extended stay at the College, our heroine has learned a fair few things. Like how spider daedras are way too high maintenance, apprentice mages have WAY too many ideas and too deep of pockets for their own good, and that everybody won't shut up about the Shrine of Azura that pokes up on the horizon like some kind of divine knob built into the mountainside.

Tired of hearing about it constantly, the Argonian decides to finally go and see the statue for herself.

While preparing for the trip, Lady Nurilla scoffs at the idea of visiting the shrine.

"That's an awful long distance just to see a stupid rock. If it were a carving of someone more worth a damn, like MYSELF, then I might consider the excursion worth my time." The Argonian was secretly relieved to be flying solo this time, with Nurilla’s only other comment being a lazy goodbye as she ate chocolates on her giant bed.

The trip wasn't too eventful, only coming across a single snow wolf along the way, though getting there would prove to be the easy part. After an arduous climb, it became very clear why everyone and their mothers were going on about this place; the stone work on the shrine was truly remarkable. It was like finely cut skin, immaculately polished and soft looking, despite being made of stone.

Thinking to herself this was worth the trip, our heroine reached out towards the shrine to touch it... when suddenly, a booming voice erupts from above, causing her to stagger backwards.


Before our heroine could even open her mouth to respond, the voice continued.

"But that doesn't mean I am unimpressed by your willpower. For your amusing displays of determination, I shall offer you a boon of great power, in exchange for a tribute. Do you accept it?"

With a blessing from a daedric prince on the line, our scaled adventurer quickly nodded. A strange beam of light then appeared in front of the shrine, and an object slowly descended from the sky, then leisurely hovered at the foot of the statue. Curious, our heroine gave it a very close inspection.

It looked like a star of sorts, but with soft, pillowy lips in the center. A tongue poked out once she had it in her grasp, lecherously sliding left to right as if preparing for what's about to happen. After giving a glance of implied ‘Really.’ up at the statue, the voice spoke once more.

"You know what you must do, Adventurer; my blessing is “free”, but only once you go through one more “trial” under my… direct gaze.~”

No wonder everyone in Skyrim is a pervert if this is how their deities are. Still, those lips are downright hypnotically plump, and she’s certainly done stranger things for lesser prizes...

Huge thanks to snek as always for helping me with the story side of things