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March 18, 2020 at 9:19 AM 4,904 views

Level 18.1 Azuras boon......

Waking up hours later, the only thing our heroine could feel throughout her body was the drain and soreness billowing from her way-too-empty balls. Her legs felt as if they were made of jelly as she tried to stand, only for the female voice to kick down her mental door once again.

“Your tribute was..... adequate. I am rather impressed by the amount you were able to provide, mortal.”

Unsure if that was a compliment or not, the Argonian continued the seemingly insurmountable task of standing upright while wondering how the hell she was going to get back to the college on these meat noodles.

"I have seen your many fates within the stars, Adventurer; specifically the ones where your time on this world comes to a most unfortunate end due to some very… “Specific” limitations of your mortal form. So I shall grant you this boon to protect you from your phallic demise, for the time being."

A wave of light alongside a wave of heat passed though the Argonian’s body, causing her to drop to her knees once again. After quietly swearing and repeating the effort to get back up, the Daedric Prince spoke once more.

“Now you will be able to accommodate penises of any size, even those several times your body length. No phallus shall ruin your body nor leave it with any damage. Just don’t go around bragging about it, I don’t hand these boons out to just anyone.”

The Argonian can now take ANY sized cock, without any damage or loss of tightness for her love holes, even if the dick is several times her own body size.

Staring wide eyed at the Prince’s statue, our heroine dreads to think what exactly was seen to justify this type of incredibly specific boon.

"But make no mistake child, you will still feel every inch that will be plunged deep inside you. Whether it’s pleasure or pain is up to you.~"

The ominous phrasing really didn't hit the argonian well, as if it were foreshadowing what is 100% going to happen to her in the future. She could only think of one cock she’d ever seen that would justify this, and the memory alone made her scared AND horny.

"And so, our business is done here. Be on your way, mortal, and know that without me, you would have met a most terrible end." Despite the statue being made of some kind of stone, our heroine could just FEEL the Prince’s smug.

With that, our heroine wobbily makes we way back down the mountain. Fortunately, she managed to get back to her room without issue (beyond some giggles from the town guards).

Big thanks to MrSneks for editing the story as always, and dcg580 for helping with the pic!