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Level 20. Bump before the road
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April 16, 2020 at 6:49 AM 3,464 views

Level 20. Bump before the road

Solitude! With her choice made she starts gathering her things, and informs Lady Nurilla of what's happening.

With a snarky remark about finally getting used to the place, the spider gets out of her bed and walks out to leave the Argonian to her packing. She claimed to be on her way to collect on some "favors" from some students.

After informing some of the professors about her departure, our heroine is directed to the archmage, who wishes her good travels and hands her a piece of paper.

"If anyone from the Order of Sigmar gives you trouble for your "familiar’s" presence, just show them this and they should back off. It was quite the marvel to study such a creature after only reading about them.”

Gear packed and goodbyes said, the adventurer headed for the carriages just outside town. After getting confirmation that it would be okay to travel with a giant spider lady from one of the drivers, she waits for her companion to arrive.

Half an hour later of waiting in the cold snow seriously made our heroine consider just leaving now and letting Lady Nurilla stay here. Just as she was very seriously possibly maybe PERHAPS considering actually hopping on the cart, as if on cue the spider is seen exiting the gates of the collage....Holding a chest.

After watching the daedra pass her "belongings" to the carriage driver, our heroine asks how and why she's come across a fancy looking chest. Lady Nurilla calmly responds with,

"Collections. I can NOT believe that some people have no respect for the generosity of others like myself! I provided my services, knowledge about myself and where I came from, and even the odd titfuck, only for them to completely ignore my perfectly reasonable requests of compensation for my valuable time.

Most of the ungrateful bastards were alright I suppose, if a bit slow from tearing themselves away from their books and providing what was agreed upon. However, that last girl." Lady Nurilla gestures to emphasize the sheer audacity of that bitch.

"She claimed that I was not owed anything! After I had to recite to her the ancient ways of my kind! THE GALL OF THAT ELF!"

The Argonian cut the daedra off, mostly to get her back to how she got the chest in the first place. Lady Nurilla puffed out her chest and confidently responded with,

"That stupid elf did not respect our deal, so I temporarily paralyzed her with my magic, walked over to one of her chests, and tried to take what I was owed. Upon finding it was locked, I took her keyring, realized that you must have been waiting for me, grabbed the chest, and here we are."

With the sudden knowledge of Lady Nurilla outright STOLE a chest, whose contents are completely unknown, from “that stupid elf” (which in the College could mean a research student, or worse, a Dean), the Argonian decides it would be a good idea to hop in the carriage, drag her goddamn kleptomaniac spider-thot on board, and immediately leave.

Onto the carriage the two went, and now it's off to Solitude! The Argonian decided to make a command decision to wait until they got there to open the mystery chest, which in turn got a snide remark from the spider about the lizard apparently “feeling very top-y today.”