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April 25, 2020 at 9:32 PM 4,604 views

Level 20.1 Boiling point.......

Redgif . Mp4

After a long, long cart ride, the pair finally get to the capital of Skyrim, Solitude! Exiting the cart, the spider daedra hands the chest of valuables to our heroine, asking her to carry it for her while she looks for an inn.

Surprisingly, the pair were able to enter the city without being stopped by the guards, or with any issues at all. While some people did stare at Nurilla's spider-like lower body for a short time, it seemed the people were used to mages having all sorts of strange familiars. At least, that’s what the lizard told herself.

It didn't take long for Nurilla to find a spot she deemed acceptable, an inn that (without the drunkard outside) looked almost like a palace. Stained glass windows, a sign etched in gold, and a door that was very shiny. Clearly she was treating this stay at the city like a free vacation, with no regards on how many septims our heroine had.

Tired, strained by the weight she was forced to carry, and with all the grief the daedra has done to her over the past few months, our Argonian finally snaps and shouts down the daedra, exclaiming her uselessness and entitlement for all to hear. The Finisher? Saying that it would have been better to just have left her in Winterhold than to deal with her.

Nurilla, along with all the (wealthy) bystanders, stood there with their eyes widened, all in shock of what the adventurer yelled. Still enraged, our heroine stomps off to find a more affordable looking inn. The still speechless daedra starts to follow her after a moment, keeping her distance while not saying a word.

After a short search later the argonian found a much more reasonably priced looking inn, one that could at least accommodate both her and Nurilla. Not long after entering they were handed the keys to a room with two beds and a chest for storage. After paying for a couple weeks in advance, the Argonian exhaustedly climbed the stairs, looking forward to the mediocre bed she would flop on.

Nurilla, still not saying anything, follows the exhausted adventurer.

Upon entering the room, the Argonian sets down the chest and her belongings by the green bed, about ready to sleep to the next day when suddenly, the spider grabs one of our heroine’s hands. Before she can pull back, a crushing pain forms in the adventurer’s lower half! There’s a dramatic pause from the spider, followed by the reveal that she's managed to slip a ring onto the Argonian’s finger!

Cursed ring of smaller dick: equipped

"One of the many favors that I requested from a particular student at College...” She says with an evil laugh. “...And you'd be better off trying to lop off your finger than pulling it off, “Master!”” Her tone inflected upward, just dripping in uppity snarkitude.

"Now then, time for your punishment for speaking down to me so bombastically in public, you stupid lizard."

Lady Nurilla shoves our heroine onto one of the beds.

With the crackle of her paralyzing magic flickering between her fingers, Nurilla says in a demanding and aggressive voice.

"Strip. Now."

Knowing what would happen if she doesn't follow the commands, our heroine plays it smart and takes off her robes, leaving herself exposed to the malicious spider.

Nurilla grabs the Argonians shortened dick, pulling it upwards towards her mouth.

"I'm going to milk you dry for your arrogance mortal!"

An hour later and a multitude of painful, lifespan draining-esque orgasms at the mouth of the spider bitch, the Argonian was finally released. The last thing heard before passing out was,

"I may be bound to you by contract, but that doesn’t mean you have the right to ever speak to me like some sort of unwanted pet. Remember your place "master", I will not tolerate such rudeness in the future.”

As always, go thank MRSNEK for going over and editing the story so it's a better read