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May 13, 2020 at 5:44 AM 3,264 views

Level 20.2... Unexpected upswing

After a rough and restless night's sleep our heroine awakens, still feeling sore from the previous night. The pain in her balls told her Lady Nurilla likely continued her "punishment" several times while the adventurer was out cold. After getting dressed and going downstairs for a bite to eat, our heroine is called over by the orcish innkeeper behind the bar.

“Oi lizard, get ova’ ‘ere, we needs’ta ‘ave a chat.”

Stumbling over gave the Argonian plenty of time to look at the monster of an orc: giant in size even compared to others his race, his huge muscles almost comically covered by a simple tunic. He looked like he would challenge multiple frost trolls to arm wrestling contests, and win. Judging by his face it was clear that he’s been in more than a few fights, with one of his tusks chipped smaller than the other. They went wonderfully with his scarred, angry face.

“You need to control that fuckin’ spider, if she gives me or any ov my patrons any more guff, I’m kicking the both of yaz out on ya arses.”

After asking where the daedra was now, the orc points to the door. Our heroine stepped outside, only to be met with the shock that the sun is already setting and torches are being set ablaze! How long was she in bed for?! It didn’t take long for our heroine to find Nurilla, standing over what looked like a wine stand, holding several shopping bags.

After taking a moment to wonder how the spider paid for all that, she looked down at her coin pouch. Almost expectantly, she jiggled it and found it to be worryingly lighter, but was too exhausted and sore to be angry. The starving adventurer just headed back to the inn, sat down at the bar and ordered something to eat, all while contemplating whether to try and find some way to banish Nurilla back to Oblivion or not. Before taking the order, the innkeeper asks if the “fookin’ spider” is gonna cause any more problems.

Completely done with it all, the Argonian confesses everything to the orc, about how she met Lady Nurilla, how much of a useless pain in the ass she is, her excessive spending and horrible attitude. Everything. Even revealing what the witch does to her on an almost daily basis, the “activities” that she forces upon the adventurer. The orcs face going from frustration to sympathetic as she told her story.

With the Argonian laying out everything onto the table about her relationship with Lady nurilla, the orc finally speaks up.

“Fuck…...Can’t say I’ve ever seen a familiar ‘ave a mind ov their own, well I uhhhhh.. Sorry bout yellin at ya back there, shoulda known sumthin’ was up when you was stumbling down the stairs without drinkin’ da night before.”

The Argonian looks into the orcs eyes, letting him know by her expression that she has no idea how to get out of this situation. Obviously feeling sorry for the beaten adventurer, he speaks up again.

“Well, can’t givya money back fa the room, but wot I can do is give ya a key to a cheapa one if ye ‘and me a few coins. Seems like what ya familiar needs ta know is that she can’t do shit without ya, starve her out a bit ya know? That oughta learn her good. Spoi’ed li’l brat.”

Ending his sentence, a barmaid passes over a bowl of soup that the Argonian ordered, and the orc hands her a key.

“Second floor, middle most door. I’d move ya stuff over there before miss long legs comes back.”

Following the very generous orc’s advice, our heroine goes up and grabs all her items, including the fancy chest, despite a quick search making it seem like Nurilla took the keys with her. She goes back downstairs after everything gets moved over, followed by a barmaid pointing our heroine to a back table where her soup sits, along with some extra pieces of bread thrown in for free.

Almost as soon as she sits down, Lady Nurilla walks through the door, bottle of wine in hand and several bags around her arms. The innkeeper immediately calls her out, saying that he wants to talk to her. In all her grace she simply yells back at him to “stop pestering me you filthy creature”.

His face turning a shade of dark green; he turns to the barmaid, says something in orcish, then heads to the back. Feeling victorious, Lady Nurilla struts to the table our heroine is eating. Without even saying hello she scoffs, “You can’t be expecting me to eat that garbage, right?” at the tired lizard.

The pair sat there, the Argonian trying to eat while Nurilla berates her about not getting anything for her, when a slam at the bar could be heard, followed by a tense silence flopping onto all the other patrons in the inn like a wet bit of laundry on a very windy day. The orc, now clad in old looking iron armor, is walking over, a MASSIVE two-handed axe made of fuckin’ Glass. He had eyes full of spider-murder and general ill-intent.

Before he even got to the table, he began pointing and speaking in a very threatening bellow.

“Listen ‘ere you spindly legged pain in the arse, you’s in MY inn, that means you follow MY rules. If I see you’s harrasin’ me, me staff, or me paying customers like dis again, you’re gonna find out real quick what I like to do ta shitheads round here. Either I get one of dem mages to use their daedra banishing magic what’its, or you get real intimate with Lily here.”

Now standing at the adventurer’s table, the innkeeper leans in, pointing the sharpened edge of his axe at Lady Nurillas neck.

“Now, a’h we gonna be’ave ourselves?”

Clearly scared shitless and unable to say anything, Nurilla just gives a few quick nods and recoils backwards from the axe.

“Good.” The orc pulls his axe back and walks behind the bar. During this, the Argonian could feel Nurllia staring daggers at her, clearly intending to take out her frustrations on the adventurer later that night.

One hearty meal later, the pair head up stairs. Lady Nurilla, clearly still angry about the whole situation and wanting to let off steam on the Argonian, quickly heads to their room. In her haste, she failed to notice the lizard slipping into a different room until she heard the clack of a lock that wasn’t behind her.

Confused at the lack of sexy lizard nuts in the same room as her, Nurilla starts banging on each door down the hallway, repeatedly telling the Argonian to open up. She was only stopped by a worryingly deep-voiced “Shut the fuck UP!” from another room. She huffs and stomps back to her bedroom and slams the door, giving the stressed lizard time to breathe easily.

Now finally safe from the spider's “wrath”, our heroine strips naked and flops onto the bed, not even bothering with the sheets. After mere moments she drifted away with a big smile on her face

Best sleep she's had in months.