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May 31, 2020 at 1:23 AM 4,710 views

Level 21. Giant rump by the docks

After she finished her breakfast, the Argonian heard the orc innkeeper clear his throat.

“So, I gotz yaz a pretty eazy job; ya up for it, Sunshine?”

With a quick nod of approval from the Adventurer, the innkeeper continues.

“Roight so, real simple one for ya, the kitchen iz running low onna few spices ‘n’ shit, soz I need you to go down to the docks and git me shipment wot jus’ came in. Take dis piece o’ papah, hand it to da warehouse manager, and she’ll give ya a crate ta bring back up ‘ere. Get it here in one piece, ya get 40 gold and some cheaper deals for ya meals. Got som’ fake lookin’ hair, can’t miss her.”

A second nod of approval to confirm the deal, and our heroine was off. One brief, uneventful jog down to a small building by the docks later, and our heroine is greeted by a woman with clearly dyed red hair standing behind the counter. She was wearing a trashy top and WAY too small pair of shorts; distractingly small, definitely too small to contain her massive ass at least.

“Hey there, Darling, what can I do for you today?”

While trying not to stare at her massive hips, the Adventurer hands her the paper and says she’s there to pick up the innkeeper’s shipment.

“If that’s everything, Honey, then I’ll get right on it; just have to double check on the wall to see if things line up.”

The lady behind the counter takes a few steps back and turns to a list pinned up on a wall, holding up the orc’s shipment paper and running her finger down it as if checking off a list. All the while she sways her MASSIVE ASS from left to right, almost as if she’s taunting the Argonian with it.

Is the argonian a werewolf? NO

While the Advanced-Sized rump teasing her was certainly enough to make her weak in the knees, our heroine manages to fight the urge to vault over the counter and ram those cheeks like a well oiled siege engine….

“Okay, everything seems to line up, let me just grab your package, Darling.~”

The woman heads to the back, coming out moments later with a decently heavy-looking crate. The walk back was certainly awkward, mostly due to the Argonian’s efforts to hide her boner behind the crate as she made her way up the hill. Eventually, she calmed down enough to enter the Inn proper. As soon as she put the crate on the counter, she was startled by the sudden appearance of the orc with a smile on his face.

“Well well, don’t you look like ya had a bit of a sweat. That crate ain’t that heavy; methinks ya musta met ol’ Gertrude and had ta endure her teasin’.”

The Argonian was thankful to the Hist that she couldn’t blush, otherwise she’d be beet red. Still, the good-natured ribbing from her current employer continued.

“Aw don’t worry about that, she duzzit ta everyone. Helluva kick on her too; dem thighs ain’t jus’ for show! Goin’ by your lacka bruisin’, seems as though ya behaved yourself.”

The orc lets out a mighty chuckle and hands the flustered Adventurer a bag of gold for her speedy job well done.

as always, thank to MRSNEK for looking over and helping with the writing