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Sword & scales: Portals to new worlds?!
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June 4, 2021 at 5:51 AM 2,608 views

Sword & scales: Portals to new worlds?!

After getting herself situated, our Argonian decided to get her bearings on the world. She picked up the local paper on a whim; the Black Horse Courier.

It helped that the paper sported an eye catching title: PORTALS TO NEW WORLDS?

“As most of Tamriel knows, we are nearing the 2 year anniversary of the great “Magic Shift” event; the great change that shifted and morphed the very roots of magic as we know it, some in more drastic ways then others.

An unfortunate side effect of this great shift seems to be the fundamental tearing of reality, visualized by the appearance of these large, magical rifts. After tireless work from various brave mages among multiple guilds, these rifts have been mostly contained and are currently being researched. Experts from these new research sites are stating that these portals are connected to entirely new realms, filled to the brim with new places, new monsters and new magics!

How does this affect you? Well, these research bases are always looking for more people of an adventurous nature to venture into these rifts and collect anything of interest.

“Go into Rift, Collect samples, Get rewards that are out of this world! It's as simple as that!“ ~Lead Research Assistant Charlotte Blackwell, Bruma Mage Guild.

So to anyone Courageous enough to tackle places never before seen, or for those Brave enough to charge into the unknown head on, and earn untold riches, seek out the research camps and make a name for yourself. Become a true legend!“

This article was made possible by the generous donations of the United Mages Guild.

The Argonian’s eyes practically glowed from the promise of adventure and treasure. She wrote down all the locations printed on the back of the paper into her map, and made a mental note to visit the closest research camp as soon as she could.

NEW AREAS UNLOCKED: Research rifts of other worlds!