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Aquamarine - Sinktember 2023 "Tangled"
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October 6, 2023 at 9:52 AM 45 views

Aquamarine - Sinktember 2023 "Tangled"

Ain't often I get myself to do any prompts from seasonal art challenges so I figured I'd go and do a little bit of Sinktember stuff with Aqua~

Aqua ain't too experienced swimming through underwater forests of seaweed, so it's no surprise she got herself stuck and tangled up in all the vegetation! She tried to free herself. but as the minutes tick by, panic is setting in as her instincts kick in and she reaches for the distant surface! She doesn't seem to be too bothered by her predicament at least! Her Vaporeon friend Coco always has some revives on hand for when she gets rescued~<br /><br /><p><a href="">Posted using PostyBirb</a></p>